Casino Heist Big Con Guide
How does it work ?
For Grand Theft Auto Online on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Casino Heist The Big Con Tips & Guide - Elite Challenge & Most $'. This guide is a full breakdown of the latest heist added to GTAO, The Diamond Casino Heist. It covers every single aspect of it from what you need to get started to the Prep Works, Approaches, Finales and Possible Bugs and Glitches. Also offering Shortcuts and Workarounds to have an easier time completing the heist cause it's truly a bugfest! Quick Guide for the Oppressor. This Guide covers the Missions of the Diamond Casino Heist and our experience with it. First Board - Scoping Out Starting Costs The first time to do the heist, it will be free of charge. Every other time you want to complete the heist, it'll cost you 25.000$. Scoping Out the Casino. NOOSE Gear is an optional prep mission featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the The Diamond Casino Heist update. It is a free roam mission needed to progress The Diamond Casino Heist. Completing this setup allows players to use the NOOSE exit disguise in the The Big Con Approach. 1 Overview 2 Lester Dialogue 3 Gallery 3.1 Video Walkthrough 4 Navigation Lester informs the player that. My guide on how to complete the easiest Casino Heist Approach which is the Big Con with Gruppe disguises. My guide on how to complete the easiest Casino Heist Approach which is the Big Con.
Select all your heist parameters and our algorithm will calculate the approximate amount of money you will have time to get from the vault.

Vault content
Select the vault content that matches your mission.
Tip: It's better to have gold or artwork.
Select your strategic approach and difficulty level.
Tip: Silent & Sneacky and Big Con can afford you more vault room time, and reduces your chances of getting shot and therefore losing money.
Support crew
Select your choice of hacker, gunman and driver.
Tip: Choose an expert hacker and the worst driver for all approaches.
Tip: Choose a good gunman for the aggressive approach.

Your team

Select the total number of players participating in the heist.
Tip: The optimal number of players is 3.
Tip: With 2 players you should be able to collect all the artwork.
Casino Heist Big Con Guide Bugstars
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