Casino Royale Yts

Casino Royale has some outstanding elements. The production design isworth a 10. There are beautiful, often provocatively dressed orrelatively undressed women everywhere you look. Many of its segmentsare funny; it's even occasionally hilarious.<br><br>The problem arose in putting all of it together. And with at least fivedirectors and at least ten writers, it's not difficult to see why. Thewhole is a mess. There is little in the way of overarching plot. Mostthreads are just completely abandoned after awhile.<br><br>The story, which is very loosely based on Ian Fleming's James Bondnovel Casino Royale (published in 1953--it's the first Bond novel), isa spoof of the typical adventure featuring the infamous secret agent.The real Bond (David Niven) went into retirement when his skills wereat their peak. This Bond is quite different than the Bond we know--heis almost chaste, he's a homebody, he dedicates each evening's twilightto playing Debussy on the piano, and so on. Casino Royale has it thatthe Bond we know from other films is a decoy.<br><br>A group of older men, representing the secret agencies of the US, theUK, Russia and France, are on their way to the real Bond's home to askfor his assistance. It seems that someone has been trying to wipe outas many secret agents as they can. While they're pitching the idea ofcoming out of retirement to Bond, they're attacked. Bond's house isblown up, and he (implicitly) agrees to the assignment. Casino Royaleis the story of the real Bond trying to get to the bottom of thesinister agent-wipeout plan. Part of carrying that out involveschanging the identity of nearly every spy to James Bond--if the realBond is to work unimpeded, he can't always be worrying about beingkilled by the criminal mastermind.<br><br>Each director worked on a different segment in relative isolation fromthe rest. This went so far as having their own portions of the scriptwritten. The problem was that despite Eon Productions (the productioncompany behind most of the Bond films) not owning the rights to CasinoRoyale, they had used many of the "bits" in other Bond films. So therewasn't much of the book left to adapt. In addition, it was felt that aserious alternative Bond film couldn't compete against the Albert R.Broccoli/Harry Saltzman-produced films. So Casino Royale producersJerry Bresler, John Dark and Charles K. Feldman had differentwriter/director teams create their own, parodic Bond segments thatwould be loosely tied together--it was almost a filmic version of the"Exquisite Corpse" game, in which you fold a piece of paper so that youcan't see other persons' work, and you have to continue the drawing onyour section with only a couple visual anchors.<br><br>Each segment features a different set of stars--the primary setscentering on Niven, Woody Allen, and Peter Sellers with Ursula Andressand Orson Welles. Those are all great actors, and great comedians in atleast two cases. They all do a bit of their own schtick--in some cases,they demanded this. Woody does his neurotic New York Jew character,Peter Sellers rides the gray area between bumbling buffoon and suaveplayboy, with a couple generic Indian and Chinese impersonations thrownin for good measure, Orson Welles does his best Paul MassonWine-pitching "elder statesman" demeanor, and also throws in a few ofhis more famous magic tricks. All of this stuff is good, but does itwork as a unified film? No. And if that's not enough evidence for you,consider that the segments were further chopped up into set-pieces.There's the "M", or McTarry funeral stuff, the Niven car chase stuff,the Sellers/Andress romance stuff, and so on. Each set piece ends upbeing largely independent--you could almost see this as a series ofskits on a similar theme. These facts make Casino Royale not quitework. It's certainly no match for a legitimate Bond film, despite thesimilarity of location-hopping, outrageous villains, spy gadgets and soon.<br><br>But, in isolation, the segments tend to be good to excellent. Thestretch with Bond visiting the faux M widow is probably the funniest.It also presages the Sir Robin section of Monty Python and the HolyGrail (1975), but bests it in a way, if only because of its extension.The madcap ending of the film is a lot of fun for its embrace ofabsurdism as a supreme aesthetic disposition--and it may have eveninfluenced some later films. And the segments with the trippiestvisuals, both in the climax, are a fantastic treat for any fan ofsurrealism. They're good enough to watch the film just to see them. Theproduction design is incredible throughout the film. Not just for thesurrealism, but the lush Edwardian and Victorian interiors, completewith copies and works in similar styles to unique, influential artistssuch as Gustav Klimt and Otto Dix.<br><br>If we felt like being overly generous, we might be able to argue thatthe overarching mess of a plot was part of the point. This is a spoofof Bond, after all, and Bond novels and films tend to have sprawlingplots--both geographically and narratively. We do travel to many exoticlocales, meet many exotic people, doing exotic things, and we receivemany plot intricacies and twists in both the typical Bond story and inCasino Royale. However, Bond films aren't quite convoluted or messyenough to deserve this kind of spoofing, so excusing the messiness ofthe whole to parodic intent seems an over-ambitious stretch.<br><br>Casino Royale is worth seeing, particularly if you're a big Bond fan ora big fan of any of the cast, or even if you just like a lot of late1960s/early 1970s big, madcap comedies. Just don't expect anything likea tight story.

Casino Royale Yts
Name Casino Royale (1967) BluRay 1080p YTS.AM piece length 524288. Casino Royale 1967 Comedy / Available in: 1080p 720p. 11% - Critics% - Audience. In an early spy spoof, aging. Casino Royale (2006) Action, Crime, Thriller. Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Judi Dench, Jeffrey Wright. Armed with a license to kill, Secret Agent James Bond sets out on his first mission as 007 and must defeat a weapons dealer in a high stakes game of poker at Casino Royale, but things are not what they seem.
James Bond Casino Royale Yts Download
Anyone who has followed the James Bond series over the last four decades knows that the new Bond has changed... In 'Casino Royale,' 007 do not identify himself with the classic words, 'Bond. James Bond,' and instead of playing Chemin-de-Fer or Craps, he plays Poker and he doesn't care whether his vodka martinis are shaken or stirred nor he drinks a Smirnoff vodka, or a five-star Hennessey, or a Dom Pérignon'52... He never pauses to take a finger of Caviar
He never enjoys a good cigar and is less preoccupied with matters of sex
But he is a more trained Bond, a cold-hearted killer improvising, modifying, and overcoming, uttering to M in one decisive moment his most significant line, 'So you want me to be half monk, half hit-man!'
In taking the part, Daniel Craig completely inhabited the character of the super agent 007
There is something empathetic about him and something human
He so lets you in behind his blue eyes and into his emotional life
His opponent is the villain banker Le Chiffre (Mads Mikkelsen) who tries to get rich in supplying funds for terrorists
To continue doing so, Le Chiffre wants to win back his losses in a no-limit showdown Poker game with $115,000,000 in chips at Casino Royale in Montenegro
Ivana Milicevic plays Le Chiffre's Bosnian bodyguard who nearly eliminates our hero
Valenka is harmful but not pure evil as her boss
Simon Abkarian is the middleman Alex Dimitrios involved with Le Chiffre, who knew where to put his hands on weapons and people who could use them
He works with anyone who has money
The Italian actress Caterina Murino (Solange) reveals her sexy side as the frustrated woman so upset in her marriage
Jeffrey Wright plays the undercover CIA agent Felix Leiter 'bleeding chips at the poker tournament;' and Giancarlo Giannini plays the 'contact' Mathis
Eva Green is Bond's love interest Vesper Lynd
Green and Craig have electric chemistry on screen together
Vesper's character seems ambiguous, impudent and complicated
One nightslumped in the shower fully clothed, radiating inner beautyher quiet look is capable to melt Bond's cold heart and free his doubtful mind
In another, she disconcerts him with her pretty 'Algerian love knot.'
'Casino Royale' lacks the fundamental technology exhibition which plays an important part in any Bond films... The traditional 'James Bond Gun Barrel Sequence' and the 'James Bond Theme' disappeared
The only thin bit of continuity is Judi Dench's fifth return as the cool, scheming chief Lady M
Directed by Martin Campbell, the movie has it all: spectacular locations from Prague, London, Miami and Nassau and amazing actions involving the superb Aston Martin DB5 coupe in a high-speed mountain chase; a rush to stop a fuel tanker at Miami Airport; a combat with an Ugandan terrorist; a pursue in a four-wheel bulldozer; a breathless foot chase across highest cranes; and an unexpected climax in one of the buildings on the canals of Venice