Four Kings Casino Xbox
The Four Kings Casino and Slots and pay n play casino Nederland based in Dutch are some of the most popular games on any Xbox player list. It allows players to take part in a wide variety of casino games. The Four Kings Casino and Slots is a social MMO that immerses you in a simulated casino experience. You will start off by creating a personalized 3D avatar that represents you in the online world. As you play, you will be rewarded with more extravagant and prestigious clothing to further customize your look. 0 Summary: The Four Kings Casino and Slots is a social MMO that immerses you in a simulated casino experience. You will start off by creating a personalized 3D avatar that represents you in the online world. As you play, you will be rewarded with more extravagant and prestigious clothing to further.
The Four Kings Casino and Slots is AVAILABLE NOW on the Xbox One! 🎉 Go all-in with the most complete free-to-play online casino experience - blackjack, poker, slots, bingo, craps, roulette and much more! Play for free: The Four Kings Casino and Slots is now available on Xbox systems for the first time! The Four Kings Casino and Slots is. July 31st, 2019 Update – Version 1.32.

New member
#126 Jan 2016 00:25
From the main screen, I push x to start the game, it loads from 1/3 to 2/3 of the way around the loading chip... And it will not go any further... My internet works on every other device that I have, as well as for any other game I have on the ps4. This is the only game it will not work with... I have deleted and re downloaded the game multiple times... And it still will not work,.. It is pissing me off... Wtf is the problem? Please if anybody can help, let me know
#226 Jan 2016 03:45
It could be a firewall blocking access to the Four Kings servers.
If that doesn't help, we can try deleting your account and see that helps. If you want to try this, email your PSN ID to
New member
#327 Jan 2016 19:38
How do I see if it's a firewall problem? I don't see why it would be that however because I've been playing for a couple weeks with no problems, and 4 or 5 days ago it just stopped working.
Carla Birch

#427 Jan 2016 23:12
First things first i would try a full power cycle of your PS4 and internet router. Turn both off at mains power for 30sec and then load back up and try. Its funny how many times that can fix a problem.
If that don't work give your PS4 DMZ access to your router, to do that its best to google a guide for your model of router, or try just turning the routers firewall off.
New member
#528 Jan 2016 01:24
Yea I've powered off both multiple times since I've had the problem.. I just don't know how I can access my firewall.. I don't have a computer, just my PlayStation, phone, and kindle fire.
Carla Birch
#628 Jan 2016 18:22
Any of them should be able to access your router, long as you use the browser and content via the router's wifi/cable.
Most routers you type in the ip address into the address bar and you can then access the routers interface, most the time the address and username/password is on the back or bottom of the router itself.
#729 Jan 2016 19:14
tonymray, did you get it working yet? I've had my share of issues trying to connect as well, but almost always it has been during a time when the casino servers were actually down for maintenance. If you've already reset/checked your router as Carla suggested, have you considered trying a different DNS service (the service that maps domain names to IP addresses)? I have found a lot of strange connectivity problems end up being because your ISPs default DNS service is sucky. On all my devices and my router I change to a custom DNS, one of my favs is google's public DNS at and which are never down in my experience.
New member
#829 Jan 2016 22:45
I am having the same problem since 9:30 CST last night. The game will load 3/4's of the way and stop. It is not my problem, everything else works.
New member
#929 Jan 2016 22:49
Just let us know what the problem is, it is not the firewall.
New member
#1029 Jan 2016 22:51
The error msg 1012 comes up after you wait for the game to load. It says you have been logged off due to inactivity. Please login to resume playing. I have not played since 8:00 CST last night?????????????????????

New member
#1129 Jan 2016 23:31
I had just purchased 400,000 chips! Refund?
New member

#121 Feb 2016 00:26
MVid, how do I change my dns service? After changing my firewall settings I gave up on playing the game, but I really want to play so I'll try anything.
New member
Four Kings Casino Xbox One
#131 Feb 2016 00:59
Okay... Well now the home page loads up, it tells me to push x and not even the loading chip shows up, just the press x and press square for whatever goes away... I don't understand what's going on
Four Kings Casino Xbox One Server Status
Four Kings Casino Xbox Account
#141 Feb 2016 02:45
We are currently struggling with network issues so your current loading problems may be related to that. We hope to have them fixed soon.
New member
#152 Feb 2016 21:45
Friday the game crashed. Saturday a tech from DL said to uininstall and then reinstall. I did that and the game was installed on my PS4 today. The game still will not load. It starts to load, stops, starts and loads only 3/4 of the way. Nothing happen then. I love this game and need assistance in getting it to load, please.