Casino Royale Elevator Scene
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- Casino Royale Train Scene
- Casino Royale Elevator Scene
Park MGM, formerly Monte Carlo Resort and Casino, is a megaresort hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, United States.The hotel, with a height of 360 ft (110 m), has 32 floors, including a 102,000-square-foot (9,500 m 2) casino floor with 1,400 slot machines, 60 table games, and 15 poker tables. Vesper Lynd is a fictional character featured in Ian Fleming's 1953 James Bond novel Casino Royale.She was portrayed by Ursula Andress in the 1967 James Bond parody, which is only slightly based on the novel, and by Eva Green in the 2006 film adaptation. In the novel, the character explains that she was born 'on a very stormy evening', and that her parents named her 'Vesper', Latin for 'evening'. Casino Royale is a 1967 British-American spy parody film originally produced by Columbia Pictures featuring an ensemble cast.It is loosely based on Ian Fleming's first James Bond novel.The film stars David Niven as the 'original' Bond, Sir James Bond 007.Forced out of retirement to investigate the deaths and disappearances of international spies, he soon battles the mysterious Dr. Noah and SMERSH. Casino Royale is the 21st entry in the official James Bond film series and marked the debut of Daniel Craig as Agent 007. The 2006 film, which rebooted the series, follows Bond (recently promoted to '00' status) as he is assigned a mission to participate in a high stakes poker game involving a banker who launders money for terrorist organizations.
The characters actors play can go through some pretty intense stuff at the movies, but as real as it can seem onscreen, we know it's all pretend — and we assume none of those stunts have permanently damaged the actors' bodies after the cameras roll. After all, when it comes to starring in a major Hollywood film, there are tricks that can transform ordinary actors into something amazing. They don't call it 'movie magic' for nothing. But while many performers are willing to transform themselves for roles, from gaining and losing weight, to prosthetics, and more, some actors take it to the extreme.
While there are Oscars, Emmys, and Golden Globes, for outstanding acting work, there aren't any awards we can give out for 'most pain endured in the performance of a role.' But if there were, these actors — who all permanently hurt their bodies in the name of acting — would win.
Jared Leto in Chapter 27
Jared Leto has lost weight for films such as Requiem for a Dream and Dallas Buyers Club, but it was gaining weight for the 2007 indie Chapter 27 that really did a number on the actor.
Playing Mark Chapman, the man who shot and killed John Lennon, Leto admitted he gained so much weight so abruptly that he suffered gout. 'Towards the end of the shoot, one of the glaring issues was the pain I had with my feet,' he told theL.A. Times. 'I had a wheelchair because it was so painful. My body was in shock from the amount of weight I gained. It took about a year to get back to a place that felt semi-normal. I don't know if I'll ever be back to the place I was physically.'
Well, at least dying his hair green and donning metal teeth to play the Joker in Suicide Squad left no indelible marks.
Tom Hanks in Philadelphia and Cast Away
Tom Hanks isn't necessarily one of those actors who loses himself in roles, but he's gone to a few extremes. Both in 1993's Philadelphia, in which he plays a lawyer diagnosed with AIDS, and 2000's Cast Away, in which he's stranded on a desert island for four years, Hanks lost a lot of weight.
Hanks thinks losing and gaining the weight back, along with possibly being 'genetically inclined,' may have contributed to his Type 2 diabetes diagnosis. 'The gaining and the losing of weight may have had something to do with it because you eat so much bad food and you don't take any exercise when you're heavy,' he said at the 2013 London Film Festival (via The Daily Mail). 'I've talked to a number of actors who have gained weight for roles and just out of the sheer physical toll on one's knees and shoulders, no one wants to do it again. I think that's more or less a young man's game.'
George Clooney in Syriana
While filming a torture scene for the 2005 Syriana, George Clooney cracked his head open during a stunt and severely injured his spine—a mishap that's had severe lasting effects on the acclaimed leading man's sense of physical well being.
He toldRolling Stone at the time that the injury was so bad, he considered taking his own life. Doctors couldn't quite pinpoint where the injury was at first, but finally noticed fluid leaking from Clooney's spine, and realized that the condition was more serious than anyone had thought. The actor later revealed toThe Hollywood Reporter that he was forced to take strong pain medication as part of a long process that turned a positive corner when he finally turned to therapy, explaining, 'I went to a pain-management guy whose idea was, 'You can't mourn for how you used to feel, because you're never going to feel that way again.'
Jackie Chan in...basically all of his movies
Jackie Chan has never held back—he views any injury he sustains while filming a stunt as just part of the gig. He has broken fingers, noses, ankles, tailbones, even his hip; he's dislocated his shoulders more than few times; he's suffered multiple concussions and spinal injuries. However, there's one particularly serious incident that made a lasting impression on his banged-up body. Chan told Parade, 'The most serious injury I had was during the shooting of Armour of God II. It was actually just a simple stunt, jumping from a slope. But I was seriously injured and had a surgery to my brain. I still have a metal plate in my head and can feel the indentation from the impact.'
Still, Chan shows no signs of taking a break — he released two action films in 2017 (Bleeding Steel and The Foreigner), and followed those by filming the fantasy actioner Journey to China: The Mystery of Iron Mask.
Sylvester Stallone in The Expendables 3
Sylvester Stallone knows a thing or two about on-set battle wounds. 'I grade the quality of a film by the intensity of the injuries,' he once joked. 'When I shot Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot, I never got hurt. Through Rambo and The Expendables, I break my neck and my spine and I dislocate both shoulders.' In 2014's The Expendables 3, in which he reprised his role as mercenary Barney Ross, Stallone admitted he suffered his worst on-set fall, permanently injuring his back. 'I... had some metal put in there,' he noted, 'so if you hear any squeaking, it's not my shoes but my back. But I'm getting better.'
The third Expendables also almost killed co-star Jason Statham. While driving a truck on a loading dock, the brakes failed and it plunged 60 feet into the Black Sea. Thankfully, Statham—who once competed as an Olympic diver—was able to get free and swim to safety.
Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Linda Hamilton's badass turn as Sarah Connor in 1991's Terminator 2 set a precedent for female action stars to follow. She took the role very seriously, training her ass off to play the hardcore mother of the leader of the future world. But for all the fight sequences and stunt work, it's hard to bounce back when a shotgun blast goes off near your ear. While shooting the scene in which Sarah is trying to escape the psych ward and has to reluctantly accept help from Arnold Schwarzenegger's new and improved Terminator, the actress forgot to put her earplugs back in after a take. When Schwarzenegger let off a round in the elevator, trying to stop the liquid Terminator T-1000 (Robert Patrick), the amplified sound caused Hamilton permanent hearing loss. Those suckers are really loud.
Bruce Willis in Die Hard
The same type of injury also befell Bruce Willis while he was making his action thriller breakthrough Die Hard. According to the actor, after firing off a fateful round, he suffered 'two-thirds partial hearing loss' in his left ear. He added that now has the 'tendency to say, 'Whaaa?' Rumer Willis, his oldest daughter with ex-wife Demi Moore, concurred, explaining (via ContactMusic) that the reason her dad isn't as talkative while promoting a movie is because he sometimes struggles to hear the questions. 'I think part of the problem is sometimes he can't hear... because he shot a gun off next to his ear when he was doing Die Hard a long time ago, so he has partial hearing loss in his ears. If me and my sisters get together and he's at a dinner table and we start talking about fashion and things, the poor guy...' Indeed.
Jaimie Alexander in Thor: The Dark World
While making 2013's Thor: The Dark World, Jaimie Alexander—who plays the warrior Sif, part of Thor's (Chris Hemsworth) team—described a painful-sounding injury. Speaking with MTV News, Alexander explained she slipped and fell from something 'very high' and 'herniated a disk in my thoracic spine, dislocated my left shoulder, tore my right rhomboid, and chipped 11 vertebrae.'
She thought maybe she was going to be okay, the next morning, it was still pretty bad—and then it got worse: 'I got in a car to go to the hospital, and I sat in the car and compressed my spine a little bit, and went paralyzed in my right leg and my right hand.' With a month of physical therapy, Alexander was back on set swinging a sword, but you have to believe those spinal injuries linger. Playing an Asgardian isn't always everything it's cracked up to be.
Michelle Yeoh in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
It comes as no surprise Michelle Yeoh injured herself during the spectacular Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. With all the incredible stunt choreography involved, there had to be a misstep, and at one point in filming, Yeoh landed wrong and her knee gave out. She told USA Today about the experience, recalling, 'The first action sequence was very intensive. I was doing a forward jump kick that I've done thousands of times but I had a mishap landing... I thought, 'I'm fine, I can keep going.' You have to give it your all because celluloid is forever. But I knew it was bad when I turned left and my leg kept swinging right.' Sure enough, the action star completely tore the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in her knee. Yeoh had to have surgery and months of physical therapy, and while she was able to recover, she admitted, 'You never get all the way back to what it was.'
Tom Cruise in Jack Reacher
You'd think for all the crazy action movie stunts Tom Cruise performs, he'd have a myriad of lingering injuries to hamper his abilities. Maybe he does and just doesn't tell anyone, but he has described what he considered his 'worst injury.'
In 2012, Cruise appeared on The Tonight Show and told host Jimmy Fallon (via E! News) he hurt his foot while making Jack Reacher. Falling from a building? Jumping from a car? Nope. It was having to kick a guy in the groin over and over again. Cruise explained, 'There's a scene where I'm kicking a guy in the balls, the testicles... It was a human being, [but] no testicles were injured in the making of the film! We had to do the take over and over again, and the first 10 times it was like 'Yeah!' he joked. 'After about 50 times in, my foot was swelling... I kept having to loosen my shoe.' Just so long as the guy's crotch survived...
Angelina Jolie in Salt
In her 2010 action thriller Salt, Angelina Jolie plays a CIA officer accused of being a Russian spy who must prove her innocence while on the run. To prep for fight scenes, Jolie had to learn a combination of Muay Thai and Krav Maga, and some of her stunts included walking on a narrow ledge atop a 12-story building and jumping off a highway underpass onto a moving truck. But it was a 'ridiculously' easy scene, she said, that caused her to permanently scar her face. Speaking at Comic-Con, she said it happened during a scene that involved her rolling onto the floor. Her stunt trainer Simon Crane told Us Weekly, 'During her final fight with Liev [Schrieber] ... She had to dive through an opening door firing a gun ... as she carried the sequence on, she rushed into a corner piece of a set and bumped her head.' At least they got the shot.
Daniel Craig in Spectre
Daniel Craig's time playing James Bond has left him with his fair share of injuries. In Casino Royale, two of his teeth were knocked out; in Quantum of Solace, there was a blow to his face that required plastic surgery, and he was rushed to hospital after slicing off the top of his finger. He also tore a muscle in his shoulder, and suffered badly bruised ribs.
But it was Craig's time on Spectre that left him permanently injured. While filming a fight scene with the hulking villain Mr. Hinx (Dave Baustista), he hurt his knee. It required surgery and threatened to halt filming for six months, but Craig didn't want to wait and worked through the pain. He told Empire (via Daily Mail), 'I was like: 'F— that.' I don't give a f—. Stick two planks of wood on it and I'll f—ing crack on.' Crack on he did; in the end, production was stopped for only two weeks.
Dylan O'Brien in Maze Runner: The Death Cure
Production on the the final chapter in the Maze Runner series was suspended indefinitely due to a horrific on-set accident involving Dylan O'Brien. The franchise's young star suffered severe brain trauma when a stunt involving a motorcycle went wrong and he 'broke most of the right side of [his] face,' as he put it to The Salt Lake Tribune.

'[I have] four plates that will be a part of me forever,' he said. 'I feel really lucky to have come away from it — in terms of coming away from it at all on the day, and really how my face has healed.' He went on to thank his 'brilliant doctor,' adding, 'He salvaged a lot of what I used to look like. To anybody who saw me after it happened, I think it's really astonishing how well everything healed and how my doctors fixed me up.'
Mila Kunis in Black Swan
Black Swan star Natalie Portman put herself on a strict diet and lost 20 pounds to play the part of fragile ballerina Nina. She wasn't the only one to take a method approach to her character, though her co-star Mila Kunis didn't get nearly as much attention for her transformation.
'I had to look skinny in order to look like a ballerina,' Kunis told Howard Stern (via ET). 'I used to be a smoker, and so I smoked a lot of cigarettes and I ate a limited amount of calories. Twelve hundred calories, and I smoked. I don't advocate this at all. It was awful.'
Casino Royale Poker Scene
Kunis later revealed that her body has 'never been the same' since Black Swan, telling Harper's Bazaar, 'My shape is different. When I got down to 95 pounds, I was muscles, like a little brick house, but skin and bones. When I gained it back, it went to completely different areas.'
Blake Lively in The Rhythm Section
Her 2016 hit The Shallows proved Blake Lively had some genuine action chops, and she was duly rewarded with a part fronting her own spy thriller, The Rhythm Section.
Sadly, things went south for Lively, as an on-set injury she sustained while filming an action sequence in late 2017 caused the film to halt production. Sources informed The Hollywood Reporter that Lively's hand injury wasn't thought to be all that serious at first, though the surgery she underwent after sustaining it apparently failed to fix the issue.
Further surgeries followed, with both Paramount and Lively awaiting instruction from surgeons on how best to proceed. They had to take a more patient approach than they'd planned, but it paid off in the long run: in early 2018, she was cleared to return to the set, and filming resumed later in the year.
Uma Thurman in Kill Bill: Volume 1
In a candid interview withThe New York Times, Uma Thurman revealed she'd been harassed by producer Harvey Weinstein — and shared some revelations about director Quentin Tarantino, who reportedly forced her to perform a dangerous driving scene for Kill Bill that left her with lasting damage.
'I was scared,' she admitted. 'He said: 'I promise you the car is fine. It's a straight piece of road. Hit 40 miles per hour or your hair won't blow the right way and I'll make you do it again.' But that was a deathbox that I was in. The seat wasn't screwed down properly. It was a sand road and it was not a straight road.'
Thurman lost control of the Karmann Ghia and it veered off the road, crashing into a tree and leaving her so much pain that she believed she'd 'never walk again.' While it wasn't as bad as she initially feared, she was left with a 'permanently damaged neck' and 'screwed-up knees.'
Spectre part two: Maximum damage
Daniel Craig wasn't the only person on the set of Spectre to suffer permanent damage. The production maimed veteran assistant director Terry Madden, who sued for $3.5 million after sustaining an injury he described as career-ending.
Casino Royale Elevator Scene Games
According to a report by Deadline, Madden was filming in the Austrian Alps, picking up shots with a camera mounted on a Range Rover. The Rover spun out of control and struck Madden, crushing his legs and forcing him off the production with multiple fractures and nerve damage that ultimately required several surgeries. 'To have a career you worked hard over many years to build up, taken away within a few seconds in this horrendous accident, has been soul destroying,' he said.
Between Craig's injury and Madden's, one has to wonder just how much of Spectre's budget ended up getting diverted to pay out for their multiple surgeries. It's a good thing the U.K. has universal health care, but these Bond movies are kind of abusing it.
Casino Royale was the debut of Daniel Craig as the legendary British secret agent James Bond, and it gave the long-running film series a much-needed jolt of adrenaline. Bond had grown increasingly out of touch with the modern world, so making the new movie a flashback set in his early years allowed the character to show levels of inexperience and vulnerability that he hadn’t been able to in some time. That vulnerability also sparked one of the flick’s most notorious scenes, where Bond gets captured by terror financier Le Chiffre.
Strapped to a chair, Bond can do nothing but suffer as Le Chiffre just goes to town on his gonads with a technique known as Dutch Scratching – tearing and beating his gonads with a length of rope. Without showing anything explicit, it manages to communicate pain and danger through excellent acting.
Casino Royale Elevator Scene Photos
Watch the scene for yourself and cringe along.
Casino Royale Train Scene
One of the most interesting fan theories coming out in the wake of Casino Royale is that this experience permanently warped Bond’s relationship with women by making him unable to have children. That would explain how the legendary secret agent manages to sleep around in every movie without accidentally making a baby Bond.